Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Molly Elizabeth

Molly is such a beautiful and gifted young lady. I had so much fun taking her "sweet sixteen" photo's, it always helps when the person you are taking pictures of can't take a bad picture! ;)


  1. Love them.
    Also like your 'logo' (can't remember the true name..) at the top of your blog.

  2. Heeey,,I love this blog:) and the background ahha:) the photos are really nice too -- great job:D
    Libby @ girlsofhope.blogspot.com

  3. beautiful photos! you did a great job :)

  4. Thank you Ashley, Molly helped me with the template. It was Amazingly easy. :)

    Thanks Libby--I don't EVER want to change this backround! <3

    Carlotta, I try, but I am still learning so much about photography! I checked out your blog and you have really beautiful pictures as well!
